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Kebumen recent comments:

  • PT. ADI MEDICAL SUPLAY, bjm (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
  • PT. ADI MEDICAL SUPLAY, Putra (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    bisa minta nomer kontak yang bisa dihubungi?
  • Rumah, Cahyo No Ragil wrote 9 years ago:
  • Sawah Pak Toyo, muhkito wrote 10 years ago:
    SHM 1941, 552m2 (selatan)+ Utara 39+26 ubin, ex Rumpartono cs
  • , ariyan (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    silahkan cari
  • Dinas Perumahan Dan Kawasan Permukiman Dan Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Kebumen, purnomo (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    pak kenapa gorong gorong rusak tidak diperbaiki digrujugan
  • Old Factory ''Sari Nabati'' (Coconut Oil), Sebangun (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    Dutch buildings in 1851, the former palm oil mill mexollie, Kebumen very historic town, located in the village of panjer, status immediately saved, and very worthy of being a cultural heritage, as of this writing is typed, the building has been and will be averaged, into the hotel and cafe, by powerful individuals who do not understand the culture. Please anyone, save this site. Thank you. note: This site has several times written in magazines, and newspapers, is also often written by young cultural Kebumen, but the government, parliament and police, silence, Central Java provincial government, also silence alone. silly and stupid.
  • Mexolide Land Hotel (Ex Sari Nabati Factory), Sebangun (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    Dutch buildings in 1851, the former palm oil mill mexollie, Kebumen very historic town, located in the village of panjer, status immediately saved, and very worthy of being a cultural heritage, as of this writing is typed, the building has been and will be averaged, into the hotel and cafe, by powerful individuals who do not understand the culture. Please anyone, save this site. Thank you.
  • POnpes Sajarotun Thoyibah, yuliawengi wrote 11 years ago:
    Masjid Untuk jumatan, adzan 1 x
  • Bojong, Naufal Fikri (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    Rumahku di pinggir rel
  • SMK Negeri 1 Kebumen, ADI WIJAYA TOWER KEBUMEN (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    salam semua dengan hormat bapa/ibu/guru kami tawarkan produk Tower baik tower tri angle, monopole, grounding tower, kami juga melayani pemasangan tower meninggikan atau mau nambahin tingginya tower silahkan hubungi kami jln pemandian air panas krakal alian kebumen Telpon:082226699051 dengan bapa Daimun adi wijaya
  • Rumah, dion (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    this is my village
  • SMK Negeri 1 Kebumen, roro (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    kapan reunian lagi,,,,sekarang SMK negeri udah megah banget loh,,,,,reunian seluruh alumni aja biar seru deh,,,,, ade ade kelas qita makin pinter n kreatif semua,,,,,, maju terus untuk SMK negeri kebumen,,,, salam buat guru guruqu yang sangat berjasa buatqu,,,,makasih atas ilmu yang telah diberikan ,,,,,
  • SMK Negeri 1 Kebumen, roro (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    hai teman teman alumni SMK angkatan 2008, aqu kangen kalian semua
  • GOR Gembira, Moertado wrote 12 years ago:
  • UNS Kampus VI PGSD Kebumen, Satria Suja Senotsa (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
  • Gunung Mujil, darmind (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    desa gunung mujil rt 02 rw02 kuwarasan kebumen
  • University of Ma'arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen, Mohamad Sidiq wrote 12 years ago:
    hid ya lawas
  • automotive department, gthn (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    i like it
  • Kebumen, sucipto (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    ds istriku...